Oh what a perfect way to honor Throwback Thursday and American Idol!
This is it people! The very LAST night of what was once a VERY popular moment for this little website (which has had several names over the years by the way: sarahmarkham.com (my most popular of all), sarahahall.com, politicaltabby.com (and .net), and now sarahhall.net)! The VERY LAST NIGHT EVER of American Idol!! If Brooke was still around, I’d grab the popcorn, turn on the video camera and do ONE last American Idol Commentary … BUT … she’s not around so you all get stuck with a simple boring blog entry. :p
I once wanted to be a singer. I had a dream of going on American Idol and coming away with a golden ticket and being the most popular American Idol winner EVER … until I realized I couldn’t sing and that idea went down the toilet. So instead I just created Idol commentary. Well okay, I can’t take all the credit. If it were not for Brooke, the Neil Patrick Harris Doll and Adam Lambert no one would have EVER cared what little old me had to say about some silly singing contest on Fox 10 every night.
But none the less – to celebrate the American Idol Series Finale I have decided to re-post some of my all time favorite Idol photos and videos from over the years! So grab the popcorn, sit back and enjoy the craziness! And the Adam Lambert Obsession! : )
And may the best singer win tonight …
Sarah A Hall
Idol VLog – May 20th, 2009 – Part 5 of 5
And the winner of Season 8 of American Idol is …
Posted by Sarah Markham on Thursday, May 21, 2009